Terms &

Booking Fee:

A non-refundable booking fee will be required to book an appointment, this will be added towards the full amount of the selected service(s) the day of. Booking Fees are not refundable or transferable. Booking fee will be forfeited if the following occur:

Clients are allowed to reschedule as long as I am notified within the 48 hour time frame BEFORE your original appointment.

Reschedules / Cancellations made after 48 hours of your appointment will result in the booking fee being forfeit and a new booking fee will be required to book another date.

You have 3 months from your initial appointment to come back for your Perfecting touch up. If you do not schedule your touch up before 3 months you would need to schedule a NEW service appointment again

*If you are more than 20 minutes late to your appointment, your appointment will automatically be cancelled for the day and your booking fee will be forfeited. A new $100 booking fee will be required to reschedule.

*Reschedules are based on current availability.

Failure to book the correct service may result in a loss of deposit and cancelation of the appointment or if time for needed appointment is available you will be charged the correct amount for the actual service needed

(For example: booking for Ombré Powder eyebrows when the client needs a Correction appointment instead).

NO SHOW, or cancel/reschedule the day of appointment will automatically forfeit the booking fee and be charged for the FULL REMAINING BALANCE of the service(s) booked. PLEASE do not make me in-force this.

Clients who come in to their appointment sick will be sent home, their booking fee forfeited, and appointment canceled.

If (re)scheduling for your Perfecting Touch Up, the new appointment must not exceed 3 months from your initial service appointment.

If you contact us through this website or book your appointment with your information, you’re accepting to receive communications and special offers from us.

How do we handle contact information and privacy: We do not share your personal information with third parties. By Subscribing to Enhance Ink Studio I agree to receive SMS Text and promotions.


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